
Using Keyboard and Mouse in Actif3D

Scene Navigation


  • Left Drag - look around
  • Left Click (in VR player mode) - walk to the clicked place
  • Double Left Click (in scene edit mode) - walk to the clicked place
  • Left Click (in scene edit mode) - select materials, lights, objects
  • Scroll - walk straight


  • Arrow keys - walk straight and look around
  • Page Up / Page Down - change height


  • WSAD keys - walk straight ahead or sideways
  • Q/E keys - change height

Touch screen

  • Tap - walk to the tapped place
  • Slide - stop walking, look around

VR headset

  • Look at a fixed place - activate the timer and teleport to the place when the timer runs out
  • Click a VR controller or a gamepad button - immediately activate the teleport

wiki/tutorial/mouse-and-keyboard.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/07 20:53 by staff

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