===== Add hotspot views to the scene ===== {{youtube>qoaHEsMqZU0?full&autoplay| Funnyt}} The Hotspot is a point of interest with a predefined name. It helps to create views for navigating the scene in [[wiki:tutorial:play-and-edit-mode|play mode]]. This list of views will also be available in the online viewer when you publish your scene. === 1. Add hotspots === Switch to [[wiki:tutorial:hotspots|Hotspots]] tab, walk through the scene and add **hotspots** in the places that you would like to make easily accessible to the user. To add a new hotspot when you are walking inside the scene, click ➕ Walk and give a Name to your hotspot, for example "Swimming pool" or "Living room". > To change the camera position in the hotspot view, move the camera in the scene (double click on the area to move ground position, or press E/Q key to move Up/Down). Then click the **Set current** button in the **Camera orientation** setting. {{:wiki:hotspot-add.jpg}} > //**Remember:**// The first view on the list becomes the initial view that is shown when the player starts. **Next lesson**: [[wiki:intro:upload-share|Upload and share to the internet]]